Friday 25 May 2012

First Brush: Tribal Class Cruisers

I think the Spartan Games miniatures for Dystopian Wars are great, but I found painting them a bit daunting.  I had never painted such large miniatures, my techniques were rusty and I had no good idea of the paint scheme I wanted, having never painted ships.

For the Kingdom of Britannia, I knew I wanted something historically realistic, a camouflage scheme to break up the large flat areas, and a dirty, smoky, weathered look.  But I couldn't make these ideas gel into a completed idea.

The Spartan Games community website really helped me get started, especially once I saw Maestro's work:
Maestro's KoB Fleet
Seeing these miniatures immediately got me going. This was the first camo scheme I really liked and the colours fit my dull, grey, dirty, realistic ideas.  I knew I couldn't come up with anything this good, so I unashamedly copied it (thanks Maestro).  I added more metallic colours, which made it a little more steampunky, and glowing green sturginium engines.  Here is the first result, on the Tribal Class Cruisers.
Here are some other views:
There's an ugly one at the back of each picture, my first attempt.  The next two were much better.
I'm looking forwards to painting the rest of the fleet.

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