Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Royal Wrecker

I painted the Royal Wrecker for my Relic Knights Cerci crew a while ago and wanted to come back and touch it up.  I guess it's been long enough for me to know that's not going to happen!

I'm not good at shading the large flat panels and often end up with too little contrast.

Here's everyone together:

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Relic Knights - Game 3

Our papercraft table top is growing!  It's been fun playing Relic Knights on more than just a tablecloth.

We had some more scenery on the table for game 3.  It is not quite finished - I have not colored the folded seams yet - but it fills the table and already looks good.

In this game, the Cerci Speed Circuit biker gang raced around the table top, sabotaging objectives quickly, setting a new lap time record.  They settled into pounding the Star Nebula Corsairs primary objective and finally destroyed it as the space pirates started to wipe the biker chicks off the table.

Another win for Cerci!

Starting positions:

Rin hides!  No, she's sabotaging that objective:

Sue moves out!  Kate has brought a knife (and a bomb) to a gunfight!

Rin takes the high ground.  Unfortunately, she was killed before she could get in position to shoot:

The biker chicks crowd the SNC's primary objective.  The Wrecker was destroyed during this skirmish, but Sue destroyed the objective for the win!

10 VPs for Cerci!  Anarchy (secondary), Lap Time (faction) and then Tear It Down (primary).

Friday, 14 August 2015

Monster of a Mini

I'm back after a bit of a break.

I painted Kenobo for our Relic Knights Star Nebular Corsairs force.  It was much harder than it looked.  I did not clean it well enough (I am not sure that is possible).  The red Noh skin is tricky to paint.  The blending is wonky and the NMM is not good.  But he is painted and now we have two 50 pt forces!

Go Pirates!

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Relic Knights $10 Game Board

We have started playing Relic Knights again!  Woohoo!  I have to start painting more Relic Knights minis.  Bummer, I am behind again!

Here a shot of Game 1:

It was fun, but plain.  I searched for some free papercraft scenery and here's the result in Game 2 (just a few days later):

It was so much more fun to play.  This really was less than $10 to print at Staples and less than 2 days to assemble.  Great fun!  Thanks, TopoSolitario.